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Ask Us for a Smile Simulation!

Ask Us for a Smile Simulation!

Using the advanced iTero Element scanning system, we can take precise digital impressions of your smile. This program can then generate a simulation of your expected results after your orthodontic treatment.

The iTero Element scanning system is a game-changer in orthodontics. This advanced technology creates precise 3D digital models of your teeth and bite, eliminating the need for messy traditional impressions. With these highly detailed scans, your orthodontist gets a comprehensive view of your smile, enabling them to develop customized treatment plans tailored to your unique needs.

  • Comfort: Say goodbye to uncomfortable impression materials! iTero scans are quick, painless, and far more pleasant than traditional methods.
  • Accuracy: iTero’s 3D scans provide exceptional accuracy, leading to better fitting aligners or braces and optimal treatment outcomes.
  • Visualization: See your potential new smile with Invisalign® Outcome Simulator. This lets you visualize treatment results before even starting!
  • Is it safe? Yes, iTero Element scanners use safe levels of radiation for imaging.